01 May 2014

Hot 'n Sprung Blog Hop - Contest!

Thanks for visiting with me for the Hot ‘n Sprung Blog Hop!  
A great spring or summer read….

Every summer my mom, dad, & I would drive from Missouri to Delaware to visit my grandparents, and I remember going to the used bookstore to load up on Zebra historical romances to read on the 1800 mile trek.  Back then, I would have to bring a flashlight and extra batteries so I could read at night.  My father blamed my bad eye sight on my reading habits.

Now-a-days, we have e-readers and no use for flashlights and batteries.  And I have about fifty unread books waiting for me to dive into.  So what makes a great summer read?  It seems the trend is leaning toward smaller books, shorter stories.  I remember my Zebra’s being 300-400 pages, which caused me to become a speed reader.  When a book is good, when it’s interesting and captures my attention, I love long sweeping stories.  Like “Transcendence” by Shay Savage, or “Beautifully Damaged” by L.A. Fiore. 

But, now, I find my attention span drifting if the book is too long.  Maybe it’s because I’m a mom and rarely have a moment to myself.  Maybe it’s because I’m constantly thinking up my own stories.  But I write what interests me and “Paper Kisses” is a book that took me back to my own hometown with a what if idea.

Now, “Paper Kisses” has a very long history behind it.  It started out titled “The Love Dance”, and then several years later morphed as a movie script that I wrote when I first moved to Hollywood & wasn’t sure what type of author I wanted to be.  Then I decided to turn it back into a story, but decided Sky needed a bit of spicing up. 

The story starts out with the heroine, Alannah, going back home during the beginning of summer.  Her husband has left her with the devastating news that, after several years of marriage, he finds her boring.  Shaken and wanting to find the woman she used to be, she heads back to the place where her life took a detour...her hometown.  She meet us with Skylar Randall, now the sheriff, and much to her surprise, fireworks bloom between them.  Only Sky has a kinky side she didn’t know, and she discovers she likes being blindfolded & tied up because it shuts off her brain and just lets her feel.
Blurb Paper Kisses:

When Alannah’s husband tells her she’s boring and he doesn’t want to be married to her anymore she spirals into a world of hurt and confusion.  She decides to go back to her hometown in Missouri to figure out where she lost the confident girl she used to be. 

Speeding into town, she’s pulled over by her old best friend, Skylar Randall, now the town sheriff.  He’s still mad at her for leaving twelve years ago without a word of good-bye.  But suddenly Sky isn’t just her high school friend anymore, he’s morphed into a man who goes after what he wants, and he’s just declared he wants her.

But Sky’s private world is one full of bondage and in trying to silence the doubts in her head, he will tie her up as long as it takes for her realize that what she really left behind was faith, hope and whole lot of kisses.


Thank you for visiting with me!  If you’d like to win a PDF copy of “Paper Kisses” for your summer reading pleasure, all you have to do is leave a comment & your contact info.  No contact, no win. (I promise not to stalk or spam you- I just don’t have time to track you down!)  Please visit the others on the blog hop for more chances to win, including entering the BIG GRAND PRIZE (see below!)

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Upcoming Blog Hops:

May 17th – May 24th : Hop Against Homophobia
May 27th – June 3rd : Dreams & Nightmares Hop



  1. I have received quite a number of books as summer reads from authors like Tainted and Connections. Hoping to read them.


  2. Thanks for the giveaway.


  3. Sounds interesting

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  4. sexy and adventurous! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  5. Thanks everyone for visiting with me during this Blog Hop! The winner has been chosen & notified! Hope y'all have a great summer!
