15 May 2014

Welcome Casey Moss! A look into Open World – C.O.V.E.N.

Available now at Evernight Publishing ~ Open World – C.O.V.E.N. by Casey Moss

The world of C.O.V.E.N. (Clans of Vegas – Endless Night) first appeared in Evernight Publishing’s anthology Keyboards & Kink (available here: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/keyboards-and-kink/ & at other fine e-tailers) in Casey’s story, AFK. 

In AFK, we saw a peek into I-D-8 Entertainment’s in-production MMORPG: Clans of Vegas – Endless Night, also known as C.O.V.E.N. when Beth and another gamer got sucked into the game for real.

Now, when it comes to Open World, it’s actually made up of parts from two novellas that had been previously published. Those stories were my very first published ones released in 2008 under my alter ego’s name. A few years ago, I received the rights back on them, and they sat in a file until this year. There’s been some major work done to revamp them from a sci-fi’ish plot to the computer gaming one present in the book today. I am so excited these stories, and more to come in the C.O.V.E.N. world, have found new life and a great new home with Evernight Publishing.

In the story, Open World, some of the employees of I-D-8 have joined together for a LAN party to test the game. For definitions on the computer gaming term: open world, check out http://www.techopedia.com/definition/3952/sandbox-gaming).

Here’s a look into the story…
~ Blurb ~
The world has broken out in wars. Las Vegas has been ravaged by chemical warfare and is now home to several clans and creatures.

Welcome to I-D-8 Entertainment’s newest game: Clans of Vegas—Endless Night.

Friends and family have gathered for a crunch time playtest of C.O.V.E.N.. When a horrible thunderstorm hits, everyone’s sucked into the game for real. In the MMORPG, Hope Collins is kidnapped by Buzz and forced to submit to his whims. Her boyfriend, Alden, has to delay his quest of defeating a clan’s prince to save her, but time and circumstance don’t seem to be on his side. Faith Collins is bombarded by strange dreams brought on by Buzz. Her boyfriend, Tavis, learns to dream walk, but can he help break the spell she’s under and save her before she’s lost to him?

C.O.V.E.N. is more than just a game. It’s a whole other world.

~ Excerpt ~
A hot trail of sweat trickled down behind Alden’s ear and slipped beneath the collar of his shirt. The world around him all of a sudden seemed off. Not sure if it was the spring heat of southern Nevada, the fire in the grill’s shallow pit or a twinge of foreboding raising his temperature, he shifted his stance and studied his surroundings. The atmosphere rippled away from him in an agitated wave, giving him the impression it wanted to consume everything it touched. Fine hairs lining the nape of his neck rose to attention and tickled his skin.
Feeling as if something menacing stared at him, Den spun from the barbecue. He held a pair of foot-long tongs in his hand like a weapon and scanned the small groups of people nearby. Coworkers wandered about. They ate from paper plates and laughed and talked about office antics, appearing to enjoy the afternoon. Others hung out under the open-air, wooden pavilion next to the community’s club house.
They all act as if they have no cares in the world.
But then why should they? The C.O.V.E.N. project hadn’t hit too many glitches. Several more months, God willing, the latest and greatest massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Clans of Vegas: Endless Night would hit the shelves. They’d all get their bonuses. He and Hope could finally take their relationship to the next level. Life promised to become great real soon.
Yet, despite his positive thoughts, another shiver swept through him. Not wanting to dismiss his ‘gut feelings,’ he squeezed the utensil, gritted his teeth and focused in on close conversations. People discussed the previous morning’s meeting. One man remarked, and those around him agreed, how wonderful it was when everyone functioned ‘on the same page,’ especially in terms of the C.O.V.E.N. project. It made each person’s workload progress much smoother. A pair of women walking toward him compared notes on their daughters’ recent ballet recitals. Some teens behind the adults chatted about an upcoming dance and who planned to take who. Innocuous topics.
Dammit. So then why do I feel uneasy?

~ Bio ~
Casey Moss delves into the darker aspects of life in her writing, sometimes basing the stories on reality, sometimes on myth. No matter the path, her stories will take you on a journey from the light-hearted paranormal to dark things unspeakable. What waits around the corner? Come explore…

~ Casey Moss Links ~
Website: http://caseymossbooks.com/

~ Buy Links ~
  Evernight Publishing: http://www.evernightpublishing.com/open-world-by-casey-moss/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Open-World-C-O-V-E-N-Casey-Moss-ebook/dp/B00KCE12JW
All Romance eBooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-openworld-1514409-147.html BookStrand: http://www.bookstrand.com/open-world