Hello, Jessica! Thank you so much for visiting Written Butterfly! I absolutely adore your cover for "Witch Way to Love"!

Wolf Shifter Cade Milcom doesn’t understand the sudden urge to bend the
witch over and take her every way imaginable. She’s sassy, sarcastic, and gets
on his nerves from the beginning. And yet, he finds himself answering the
distress call when she gets herself into trouble.
An accidental mating and a demon bent on blackmail make for an
interesting few days, but it’s nothing Breena can’t handle. Maybe.
How did Witch Way to Love come about?
Believe it or not, it started from a flash fiction challenge. Well, the
general idea behind the opening scene did anyway. I’ve actually wanted to write
a sassy witch for a while and Breena just sort of blossomed in my head
overnight. I started the story about a year ago, but all of the pieces wouldn’t
come together. I’d get an idea, but I would run into a dead end and have to
start over. Then one night, it sort of came to me in a moment of clarity. I sat
down and started writing, writing like a woman possessed – and perhaps I was.
Four days later, it was finished.
skittered across the sky, the brilliant flashes lighting up everything around
her. Thunder boomed overhead, shaking the earth beneath her feet. The
high-powered winds whipped her long, red hair around her head and made her
fight for purchase on the pavement. It was a bad night out, for witches and
mortals alike. If only she hadn’t lost her damn wand! What was a witch without
her wand? Damn near mortal, that’s what. The heavens were going to open up at
any moment and she would be drenched. Taking a witch’s wand was as good as
stealing her powers. No, she didn’t need the wand to create magick, but if it
wasn’t in her possession, her powers sort of…fizzled and died out.
high-heeled sandals were a poor choice of footwear at the moment, as she tottered
down the sidewalk, following the beacon of light in the distance. She’d cast a
locator spell in hopes of finding her wayward wand. She wasn’t certain if it
had been appropriated by someone, or had merely wandered off, kind of like her
broom had done the month before. Anyone who thought a wand was an inanimate
object was a fool. It had a life force of its own. Otherwise, it would just be
a piece of wood with pretty carvings.
The beam
of light shooting into the sky started to flicker, and she worried it would
sputter out completely. She could tell it was in the area the residents of
Mayfair Heights called “the jungle.” Only shape-shifters lived in that part of
town. Despite the ominous clouds in the sky, she knew there was a full moon
tonight. She just had to hope whoever had taken the wand, or the lucky person
her wand had chosen as its guardian, was in residence. It would be just her
luck that the furball would be out on a run, even if the weather did leave a
lot to be desired.
With the
wind buffeting her small body, she felt like she was fighting an uphill battle,
and wondered if she’d ever reach her destination. If her powers weren’t on the
fritz, she could just translocate to wherever she needed to go. But, of course,
on the worst night they’d had in months, she was stuck traveling on foot. She
couldn’t even use her broom until she was at full power again. The damn thing
refused to work. She completely blamed the tree sprite, the one who had gifted
her with the branch used to carve the broom handle. It had obviously imbued
some of its stubbornness into her broom.
rounded another corner and sighed in relief. The home she sought was half a
block away and lit up like the fourth of July, thanks to her little spell. She
thanked the goddess that it had worked so well, or at all, for that matter. She
couldn’t imagine having to find her wand the old-fashioned way, or having to
hire someone else to cast the spell for her. How embarrassing! It was bad
enough that things like this kept happening to her, but if the spell-casters
guild caught wind of it, they’d pull her license to practice for sure.
As she
neared the home, she took in the little details, like the gargoyles standing
guard at the edges of the roof. She had no doubt they were the real thing and
gave them a little wave. The red door stood out in stark contrast against the
gray and black home, beckoning her closer. She stepped under the portico just
as the rain began to beat down, a deluge really, and she thanked the goddess
she hadn’t been standing out in the open just then.
She lifted
her fist and knocked on the door, listening for any sounds of life within. No
answer. She banged again, this time a little harder. The light from her spell
spluttered and blinked out, leaving her standing in the dark. The fact that
there were no lights on in the home, nor on the porch, told her that her query
was probably out running wild, but she refused to give up.
tiny fist pounded on the door for the third time. Grumbling under her breath,
she gave the wood a good, hard kick, wincing as her toes met the unforgiving
surface. She had just turned, and was about to leave, when the door flew open.
“Do you
have any idea what time it is?” growled a deep voice, a voice that zinged
through her and made all of her lady parts take notice.
She spun
around with a snappy retort on the tip of her tongue, but it died the moment
she was faced with six-foot-six of yummy goodness. A button-down shirt hung
open, leaving his scrumptious muscular chest in full view. Her gaze dipped down
over six pack abs and she licked her lips, wanting to run her tongue over each
and every inch of him.
“I’m, uh,
looking for my wand,” she stuttered lamely, her brain having been fried by his
smirked. “Oh, I have a wand for you all right, but I don’t think it’s the one
you came looking for.”
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