24 April 2014

Book Boyfriend Blog Hop...Meet Sky!

The Book Boyfriend Blog Hop is back and better than ever!

The authors of Evernight have a brand new team of swoon-worthy book boyfriend candidates. A sexy assortment of cowboys, Doms, detectives, millionaires, royalty, vampires, soldiers, and shifters are just a click away.

Get ready to find your next book boyfriend...

Skylar Randall is the boy you went to school with.  The one who always
seemed laid back and your best friend.  And if you thought his blue eyes were beautiful and his smile heart melting, well, you stared at him without him knowing you were staring.  He never knew you had the biggest crush and dreamed about him every night.

And then high school ended and everyone moved on, moved away.  And although you never forgot Sky, you figured it was just high school memories.

But Sky never forgot and when you head back to town, you find Sky isn't merely your old friend.  He's a man now...smokin' hot, with muscles and intense eyes that haunt you.  Although he's the Sheriff, he's got more kink than you knew was possible because Sky knows how to use his handcuffs in more ways than one.


When Alannah’s husband tells her she’s boring and he doesn’t want to be married to her anymore she spirals into a world of hurt and confusion.  She decides to go back to her hometown in Missouri to figure out where she lost the confident girl she used to be.  

Speeding into town, she’s pulled over by her old best friend, Skylar Randall, now the town sheriff.  He’s still mad at her for leaving twelve years ago without a word of good-bye.  But suddenly Sky isn’t just her high school friend anymore, he’s morphed into a man who goes after what he wants, and he’s just declared he wants her. 

But Sky’s private world is one full of bondage and in trying to silence the doubts in her head, he will tie her up as long as it takes for her realize that what she really left behind was faith, hope and whole lot of kisses.
Be Warned: BDSM, anal sex

Buy "Paper Kisses" HERE

**One person will be drawn at random to win one of my ebooks, PDF version, winner's choice! 

What’s up for grabs?
              One lucky hopper will win a $100 Amazon Gift Certificate sponsored by Evernight Publishing.
              Plus, each author is giving away their own unique prize! So visit each blog hop stop for a host of fabulous prizes to win.

How to enter? Answer this question in the comments below…

Do you find cops sexy?

Be sure to leave the answer and your email address to be eligible to win a prize. Each comment gives you an entry for the grand prize (one per blog hop stop).

Keep hopping to the next author or blogger. After you’ve met each hero click here to vote for your favorite book boyfriend. You’ll earn an extra grand prize entry!

You’re one step closer to meeting your next Book Boyfriend...

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  1. Thank you for the hop. There's not a woman I know who don't find cops sexy I believe it's the whole uniform thing.

  2. If they are goodlooking then HELL YEAH .


  3. I do find cops sexy. My husband is retired from the state police. He looked great in uniform.
    debby236 at hotmail dot com

  4. From personal experience, no. All the cops I've ever had interactions with have been snobby, conceited a-holes. However, if we are talking about cops that are found in books like yours, then I could definitely find him sexy. PlumCrazie@ymail.com

  5. It surely depends. In books I love them, in reality I've yet to meet one to make me want to melt :P
    shantih (at) hotmail (dot) it

  6. In books Absolutely! In RL...it would depend :)


  7. Cops can be pretty sexy, especially when they're in hot pursuit!


  8. Can be - depends on how the author writes them....

    Thanks for participating in the hop!
    simondex68 (at) gmail dot com

  9. Cops have handcuffs so yes!!!! LMAO

  10. Cops are super sexy. Frisk me, officer!

  11. I find the idea of cops sexy but I have yet to SEE a sexy one where I'm from. Lol.

    adria(.)rose_03 at yahoo(.)com

  12. cops that are in shape are sexy


  13. Cops on tv & in books are sexy. Haven't seen many in my city though lol.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    I hope you have a great weekend! =)

    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com

  14. Cops? Uhm, yeah.
    Thank you! <3

    reofamelaterrado at yahoo dot com

  15. cops that are in shape are sexy


  16. Who doesn't love a man in uniform? Of course!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  17. If they're hot, they're hot! -- in uniform or out!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  18. Sometimes, but not really.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  19. Love me some cops.. have dated a few too.

  20. Sadly, I do not. Those I've come into contact with have horrible attitudes and are on perpetual poer trips. This is a turn off no matter how good looking they may be.

    ilookfamous at yahoo dot com

  21. I do love cops in books but the ones I've dealt with locally, definitely NOT book boyfriend material.

  22. Fictional cops, hells yeah! something about the image of the guy in uniform, who knows the proper way to use handcuffs, and has that long, hard, uh, baton. *wipes sweat* Of course!

    Bookworm (dot) judy (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. I haven't seen a sexy cop in real life, but I have when reading a story.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  24. Cops in books are hot. I haven't met one that was noting real life.


  25. depends how they're written

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  26. The ones in stories yes. The ones I've worked with have all been overweight and foul mouthed (not in a good way).


  27. Love a good looking man in uniform!

  28. Sometimes, a lot of my family are in law enforcement so, kind of dulls the turn on of a cop.


  29. Oh Yeah! Some cops are VERY sexy as long as they are between the pages of a book. The "real life" cops I've met, not so much LOL

    Thanks for being part of this fun hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
    reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  30. Yeah, I do if they have a strong personality.


  31. Thank you everyone who participated!! The winner of my blog hop has been chosen and notified. I agree with many of you...in between pages cops can certainly be sexy. Not so much when they pull you over! LOL!
