31 December 2014

Evernights Holiday Hangover Blog Hop!

Happy New Year from Evernight!

Now that the Christmas cookies are gone, gifts unwrapped, and your holiday visitors have left, you’ve earned some well-deserved TLC. Evernight authors not only have the cure for your holiday hangover, they have fantastic new books for your 2015 reading list, too!

Be sure to visit every stop on the hop and answer each question. The more you blogs you hop, the more chances to win the GRAND PRIZE of an iPad Mini sponsored by Evernight Publishing (one entry per blog). Plus, hop each blog for a host of other fabulous prizes.

So sink into your favorite chair and enjoy your holiday hangover!
Once upon a time I used to go out and party on New Year’s Eve.  Back when Pluto was still a planet.  This year I plan to toast 2015 with a shot of whiskey from the comfort of my couch as I watch people freeze their yahoo’s off in Times Square.  I’ve heard it’s something to be experienced…no doubt.  But I like staying warm.

No hangover for me.  I have a little boy so I’ve no time to wallow in post party bliss.  Or should I say headache from hell?

2014 was a great year for me because I switched publishers.  Evernight has been an amazing place for my work to flourish.  I’ve grown as a writer and have made some wonderful friends.  I have to give a lot of thanks to C.R. Moss for giving me a lot of coffee and talk time!  I was able to meet Sandra Bunino at Hot Mojave Knights this year in Las Vegas, along with some other fabulous Evernight Authors.

I’ve a few new works in the making for Evernight.  First up, I’m writing a new motorcycle club series, titled The Overlords…and what makes this slightly different is that it’s set in a future dystopian world.  I’m paying homage to Mad Max, albeit a more erotic and romantic one.  I’m also writing a time travel story in which the heroine, Henrietta, comes from 1794 to our time.  Plus, at some point, I will finish a BBW story that’s very personal for me, about a woman dealing with endometriosis.     

To stay up to date on my new releases, please friend me on Facebook, Tsu, or follow me on Twitter!  I wish everyone a safe and wonderful New Year!  


Enter for a chance to win Evernight’s GRAND PRIZE of an iPad Mini and my blog prize by answering this question (be sure to include your email address to be eligible to win).

Along with being included with Evernights grand prize, I will pick one winner for a Starbucks Gift Card and an E-book of any of my Evernight Titles (winners choice) :

 A whole year has passed since the last one. You’re a year older. Are you a year wiser?

Your Holiday Hangover continues here:

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  1. i am probably none the wiser, compared to last year lol


  2. I like to think I am. Each year you learn more and that makes you wiser.
    debby236 at hotmail dot com

  3. We're thrilled to have you in the Evernight family, Beth, and love your plans for 2015!

  4. I say yes and no. I am wiser in somethings that I have learn and not in some.


  5. I hope I am :) But I'm still learning and trying to be a better person and to have fun!! :) Happy New Year!! Christy_love14@hotmail.com

  6. I would like to think I am.
    Nicole Ortiz

  7. Thanks for the mention! I love our "coffee breaks"! Best wishes to you and yours for the new year ~

  8. I am about certain things. I've learned so much in my college classes as well as some life issues.


  9. Way wiser when picking my books. Other than that probably not so much lol but hey at least im honest.

  10. Sometimes I think I am, but then I do something that proves me wrong. esseboo@yahoo.com

  11. Yeah I feel wiser too.

    kitsune_no_sora @ yahoo

  12. I actually do feel wiser. That's good :)

  13. I believe I am...maybe others will dispute that


  14. Yeah I like to think I'm a little wiser. Have a Happy New Year!

  15. I would like to think I am wiser, but after last year, many would doubt that statement.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  16. I'm sure I've learned something new during the year, but I'm probably not as wise as I could be after that length of time.


  17. I'm learning to deal with stress. I'm eating better and started exercising months ago. As of November I went back to school. I'm a single mom so I want to provide a good life for her an myself. I'm happier so I think that has made me wiser. sweetga_peech@yahoo.com

  18. LOL! No wiser - just a year older! I shouldn't find this funny, but I do!
    Happy New Year!

  19. Since I turned 40 this year I'd like to think so but probably not :)

  20. Lord I hope so, lol. deborahetta61@gmail.com

  21. Nope! But maybe some year..

  22. Happy New Year one and all!

    I hate to admit it, but I am absolutely not a single bit wiser, just older, but I'm ok with that. Perhaps this year is the year for wiseness (see, now that's not even a word so this might not be the year either...)

    Have a terrific year everybody!

    Shelly H

  23. Yeah, a little bit wiser.


  24. Wiser? Maybe in some things, but there is always room for improvement.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  25. think so

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  26. Yeah on some things ,but where men are concerned no.

  27. I hope that everyone get a little wiser as the years pass but the question is will you use this new "wiseness" to improve your life? I hope I do and continue to do so even if in small increments! I am glad you are happy with your new publishers and am really looking forward to your homage to Mad Max!

    susanmplatt AT Hotmail DOT com

  28. I wish I was wiser I am trying honestly!! Each year I do promise myself not to fall into old patterns but it is easier said then done.


  29. I am definitely wiser. I have learned a lot of new things in the last year. Thanks for being part of this fun hop and for the chance to win. <^_^>
    reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  30. I would hope I'm a bit wiser.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  31. It wasn't as intense a learning experience as 2012, but I do feel wiser.

    Trix, vitajex(At)Aol(dot)com

  32. Nope, not any wiser.
    bituin76 at hotmail dot com

  33. Are you a Ravenclaw? Hmmmm - I will say this - I hope that I am able to use the knowledge I may have subconsciously gained from both the good and bad that happened in 2014. I pray that I am open enough to know when I succeed and when I fail and to learn from those experiences. laura.striplin@gmail.com

  34. I like to think I am wiser

  35. In some ways I am wiser, but in some ways i'm not. So it's half & half for me. There is still room to grow lol. ;)

    Hope you have a great 2015! =)
    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com

  36. Each year is a learning experience so hopefully I'm getting wiser.

    Happy New Year!


  37. I hope I am wiser, but probably not. :)

  38. I hope so..I think so. After the year I've had, I have to be. Looking forward to my year...2015. It's going to be awesome!!


  39. I've learned so much in the past year that I think I'm several years wiser. dustykattc@hotmail.com

  40. I am probably more aware and less trusting than wiser :) Thank you for a chance to win one of your books slholland22 {at} hotmail {dot} com

  41. I think my experiences this past year have taught me many things and made me a little wiser, but there is still lots to learn.

  42. I don't really think I'm wiser about most things but some things yea.
    sstrode at scrtc dot com

  43. I sure hope so. :)

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  44. Love the idea of your new series, Beth!! I can't wait to read it! :D
    I like to think that I am wiser. I have really learned a lot about myself this year. Hopefully for the better. Lol.
    Thank you for participating in the hop.
    trb0917 at gmail dot com

  45. I definitely am. I've learned a lot this year, and so I'm a bit tougher, wiser, and oddly enough, happier.

