What is the most difficult thing you've ever had to tell
someone? How did you prepare yourself? How did it go over? Good? Bad?
Indifferent? Would you have done anything different? And why was it important
for you to get right?
Well, this is a depressing topic. Some might have better answers than I, but I
can only think of two times in my life that I had difficulty telling someone
something. First, when my marriage was
breaking apart and I didn’t want to try to fix it. Saying those words to my (then) husband were
so hard, and I had to get them right. I
didn’t want there to be any misunderstanding that I wanted out. Luckily, he was of the same mind but still,
it hurts when a marriage doesn’t work.
The second time is when my father died and I was the one who
had to tell everyone. This is still raw
for me because he died two years ago, in a hospital, where the doctor basically
came out and told us he’d never recover.
My father didn’t want to be on life support but he did want to live, and
when my siblings and I made the decision that life support would be terminated,
it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to face.
I had four hours to be with my father, hold his hand, and try to tell
him everything in my heart. It was so
important that I tell him everything and when he took his last breath, I was
the one who called time.
My stepmother asked me to write the obit for the paper. That was when my words had to be perfect and
I sat and agonized over that for a very long time. I don’t know what life has in store for me
yet but I hope nothing so sad as these two.

((Beth)) those are both rough. My post for this topic last week was also about divorce, well actually just separation. I however was too hurt to bring any of the maturity that it sounds like you did. Wow, writing your father's obit; I can't imagine doing that