17 April 2019

Wednesday's Writers Block Exercise - Week 15

Got Writer’s Block?

Yeah, it happens to the best of us.  Life gets in the way and your brain is taken in another direction and before you know it, it’s been days or weeks since you last looked at that book you’re trying to write.  You’ve forgotten little details.  What eye color did you give your hero?  What town was your heroine born in?  Perhaps you need to jumpstart your creative mojo, and that's what this series is designed for. Not to explain writer's block, but to help you move in a different direction.

During the television reign of Sons of Anarchy, a rash of motorcycle romances sprung up in many different variations. Everything from hard core assholes, to softer bike riders. I've actually written three different MC romances clubs myself, and I tend to make my heroes bad guys with a heart of gold. My favorite MC books of mine: Med of Hell MC (Mad Delights, Madness Ends).

I've read other romance books that have featured a secret society, of sorts. Amanda Quick had her Arcane Society books, Cassandra Clare had her Shadowhunters. I remember a movie long ago, Young Sherlock Holmes, where Sherlock stumbles onto a secret society that led him to meet his arch nemesis, Moriarity.

Creating a secret society can introduce suspense, intrigue, danger and drama. If you think your story is too bland, this might be a good "outside-the-box" solution.

#15 Secret Society

Your Hero has stumbled upon a dark conspiracy - or perhaps he's been part of it all along

>Who runs the group? Is your hero vying for leadership, or is he a threat in some other

>How do group members identify each other? List some gestures, clothing or other signals they might use. If your hero tried to fake it, what could go wrong?

> List rituals or practices that are special to the group.

> Is the group trying to expand or remain exclusive? What might they do to protect their secrets?

Secret societies aren't just for thrillers. From Alcoholics Anonymous to Girl Scouts, every group has goals, rituals and inside knowledge.

Is your hero trying to get in - or get out?

Whether it's an ancient fraternity, a midnight bowling league, or the house down the street, with the strange noises, secret societies provide your hero a chance to enger a hidden world or escape a nightmare.

Happy Writing!

***John August designed these cards to help writers fix plot holes, spice up stock characters and
rethink your themes.  They, of course, do not guarantee you’ll get published or that you’ll become the next J.K. Rowling, and of course they are only a tool to help you think outside the box. I make no monetary gain with them nor do I expect anything in return.  I do not own the contents in these cards. If you're interested in them, here's the amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Writer-Emergency-Pack/dp/B00R6ZLIOY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1502046610&sr=8-2&keywords=john+august 

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