Got Writer’s Block?
Yeah, it happens to
the best of us. Life gets in the way and your brain is taken in another
direction and before you know it, it’s been days or weeks since you last looked
at that book you’re trying to write. You’ve forgotten little details.
What eye color did you give your hero? What town was your heroine born
in? Perhaps you need to jumpstart your creative mojo, and that's what
this series is designed for. Not to explain writer's block, but to help you
move in a different direction.
This one is a difficult exercise for me because I
think of my strong points as a writer is dialogue. I take pride in my character’s
interaction with each other and talking can give good insight into the thoughts
and reasons behind actions. But I agree there is a time and place for action
verses talking.
While talking can be a good way for two characters
to convey feelings, remaining silent can also give subtle clues. Think of Heathcliff
of Wuthering Heights (I, personally, don’t think he’s a romantic figure at all,
but this isn’t about romance). Heathcliff is stoic, angry, basically a
lumbering brute. His lack of communication is an excellent insight into who he is.
Stop Talking
Actions speak louder than words. If your
characters couldn’t talk, what would they do?
> If your hero could only say five words, what
would they be?
> Could the story beats happen in a montage
rather than full scenes? What would those moments be?
Dialogue is great, but sometimes your characters
need to shut up and do something. Look for ways to take away their ability to
talk, and force them to find other ways to communicate.
There are countless ways to make normal speech
impossible, from stealth to equipment failure to foreign languages.
Silence can also be a choice. Maybe your hero isn’t
saying anything because he’s simply done talking.
Happy Writing!

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