09 May 2022

The NEW RELEASE from T. Lee Garland!

Hello and Welcome to The Written Butterfly! 

Annie is a nurse who promised a dying patient that she would deliver an envelope to the woman's estranged nephew after her death.  Annie intends to keep that promise, even if the nephew is a sexy bar owner who makes it clear that he wants nothing to do with the envelope or her.

Van hasn’t seen his aunt in years. Now that she’s gone, he doesn’t care about her or her damn envelope. Except he does care about the curvy nurse in the cotton-candy pink scrubs that barges into his busy bar on a cold Friday night in Tennessee, and insists that he open the envelope.

A freak ice storm leaves them unexpectedly stranded together.  Annie has a secret that she hopes will change Van’s mind and heart about his aunt. Van just knows he wants Annie and the promise of her in his life forever.

Q) Is your book part of a series?  Thank you for having me Beth. No, The Promise of Annie is a stand-alone story.

Q) What made this story special to you? The fact that Annie is a nurse makes this story special to me. I work in a hospital, and I personally see how dedicated and hardworking nurses are toward their patients. The past two years have been especially difficult and this is just my way of honoring them and acknowledging how devoted they truly are. Annie takes that commitment a step further, when she is determined, against all odds, to keep a promise she makes to a dying patient. Van doesn’t make things easy on her though! I also live in a military town and love to write my hero’s as veterans.

Q) Do you have a writing quirk, or habit when you write? I almost hate to mention this, but I watch TV when I write. Specifically I watch The Food Network channel. I’m a huge foodie and love to learn and try new foods and recipes.

Q) What do you think is your strongest asset as a writer? …what is your weakest factor as a writer? My strongest asset is my settings. I live in the south and love placing my characters in the south, a place I know and love. I make them as “real” as possible. They are everyday people that we all know and have met. Annie and Van could totally be your next door neighbors! My weakness as a writer is easy. Ugh, punctuation, specifically commas. I get that they are necessary, but I never seem to be able to put them in the right places, and having to stop my flow of writing to figure out where I need to place one is frustrating to me. Thank goodness for the awesome editors at Evernight!

 Q) Do you write in a linear fashion or do you jump from scene to scene and then go back and “fill in the blanks”? I write in a linear fashion. However, I do tend to write a chapter and later go back and add to it, or change things about it, if the story evolves to support that change. I once wrote an entire book on one sentence that popped in my head.

Q) Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?  I like my books to stand on their own.  Writing a series is popular, but I get bored easily and writing or reading a series tends to make my mind wander.

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25 April 2022

FREE Read from Nikki Prince!!

 Thank you, Nikki, for visiting Written Butterfly! You inspired me to do a FREE prequel read as well! It's wonderful having you visit to show off this amazing new book from you! Wow, love the colors going on here...the black and red...so eye catching! 

 Caj was once human and in love with an angel named Mercy. Having committed an unforgiveable sin, Caj is punished by The Maker to take on the sins of others so that those souls can be ushered into heaven by an angel. Caj is finding it hard to reconcile who he used to be with what he has become and feels he should let Mercy go.

But can he?

 Mercy sees Caj as she remembered him. She knows that he beats himself up daily for his own sins, let alone having to take on others' sins as a penance. The only way for them to be together is for him to go before The Maker and make amends or their love will be lost forever.

Will The Maker allow them their happiness or are Caj and Mercy forever doomed to have loved and lost?

1)       Can you tell us a little about your book? Caj’s Angel is a prequel to my Eternal Lovers series.  It’s paranormal and begins with Caj who a sin eater and Mercy is who is an angel.  They’d loved and lost with each other before.  Caj is condemned to take on other’s sins for an eternity.  He wants and loves Mercy but is afraid that he’ll always be the holder of sin. 


2)      Was there as specific part of the story that you absolutely loved writing as well as not enjoyed writing?  I really enjoyed writing the story as a whole and finding quotes from history that tied the chapters together.  It was fun, and I think conveyed what each chapter was about.


3)      Do you have a favorite line or scene in your book?  My favorite scene in this short story is when Caj must do his duty of taking on the sin of a young girl who is dying.  I really felt the scene.


4)      What future projects are on the horizon for you? I am currently finishing up edits for the third book in my Undeniable Series called It’s Real for Tule Publishing and I have several other projects that I’m working on: Eternal Lovers’ series, mermaid romance, contemporary romance for Shades of Love Anthology, an afro-indigenous story and so much more.  I love to write and as long as the stories come, I will be writing them and sending them out to the world.


Evernight: https://bit.ly/3gXWWCp

Amazon: https://books2read.com/u/49kydJ

Smashwords: https://bit.ly/33CdrRK

Apple: https://apple.co/3uXfHOv

Kobo: https://bit.ly/3s1lUHy


Social media links:  https://linktr.ee/NikkiPrince


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18 April 2022

Blog Hop - Ingress by Bria Starr

Title: Ingress
Author: Bria Starr
Genre: Dystopian
Release Date: April 12, 2022
Cover Design: Cassy Roop at Pink Ink Designs

Surrounded by flames and turmoil, David can’t remember how he ended up in the unfamiliar town of Ingress. While his heart is eager to find a way back home, he can't help but intercede when he sees a young orphaned child in need of help.

Welcomed by a broken community, David becomes Ender—the unlikely leader who teaches his new people how to survive in the wilderness after losing everything. Together, they work to rebuild Ingress while Ender builds a life better than the one he left behind.

But it all could be for nothing if anyone discovers Ender's secret.
Discover the truth behind Ingress in this mesmerizing prequel to The Divided.

Chapter One

Light illuminates the darkened sky above as clouds of smoke waft over me. Lying on my back, a burning tickle in my throat forces me to cough. It’s not enough to clear my airway. A series of hacking sends me to my knees as I double over in a fit. A thick layer of ash falls off my body into a soft pile on the grass under me.

My eyes, irritated by the dense smog, struggle to adjust. Pushing away the tears that have blurred my vision, all I can see is a raging inferno. The back of my sooted hand wipes away a few falling tears as my eyes frustratingly produce more.

What is going on? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I was having a nightmare, reliving my war days. My mind races, trying to piece together how I got here. Surely I was asleep in my apartment only a few moments before. No, that’s not right. I was camping in the Rocky Mountains. But nothing here resembles anything close to that.

My hands press onto warm earth as I rise to my feet, feeling grass and soil instead of my silky red sleeping bag. I glance behind me in search of my things, but they aren’t there. 

I drop to my knees and frantically rub my hands all over the grass for my backpack, sleeping bag, or anything—but come up empty-handed. Where are they? Hands on hips, I scratch the back of my head and recount what I remember last.

I had just broken up with Brittany, who I had been dating for seven months. She thought I was “emotionally unavailable” and called things off. Truth is, I’m not. I just wasn’t emotionally available to her. So I packed up my gear and went for a hike in the Rocky Mountains. Even though it was amicable, I was hurt and felt the urge to get some fresh air. After dinner, I holed up in an empty cave, crawled in my sleeping bag, and passed out.

Once asleep, I dreamt of falling. It was like the ground suddenly gave way and swallowed me whole, only to spit me out here.

Perspiration drips from my brow. The blistering heat is uncomfortable and causes my sweat-soaked shirt to cling to my torso. Another cough escapes and I stagger toward the road just ahead as I brush off more ash from my body. I must have been out here for a while to be covered so thoroughly.

As I wander debris-covered streets void of people, I peel my shirt away from my chest and tuck the bottom half of my face under the collar. It’s hardly helping with keeping the smoke from entering my lungs. To my left lies a series of menacing flames scattered everywhere. Every house I can see, every building, the whole town is ablaze. My mouth drops open and my heart races even faster. This is definitely not home. I’ve woken up in a completely different time or place. I rub my eyes, forcing myself to wake up from this nightmare. But I’m wide awake.

To my right, I see a large hole in a wall—like some sort of town perimeter. Next to it are four dead bodies. I stop and scan my environment for any danger. Burning buildings and dead bodies are two very different things.

A scream rings out in the distance. I cock my head and listen for any other sounds beyond the crackling and popping fire. As I move slowly toward the opening, which looks like my exit out of here, I hear it again. I’ve heard many screams from many men, but this one is different.

This scream is coming from a child.

Bria Starr grew up in a small town in Minnesota and continues to live there with her family. She’s a quiet person with an infinite imagination, loves junk food, and is always cold. Her favorite things include reading, writing, listening to music, and watching too many movies.



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11 April 2022

New Book in the Storm Crows MC series!

 Welcome Allegra! Thank you so much for stopping by to talk about your new release, Into the Storm! Wow, what an amazing cover! I love it so much. I'm looking forward to reading this one! 

Case Kelly has everything he’s ever wanted: a new bike, and a Storm Crows patch. But instead of chasing human traffickers with his charter, Case gets stuck baby-sitting Joker’s ol’ lady, an obnoxious Prospect, and the hottest, most annoying woman in the universe. Jenna Gillespie is snide, sarcastic, and perfect. If she’d just stop yelling at him. And then they get to Burning Man.

On the Playa, Case accepts an unexpected truce with Jenna. And more. Between photoshoots and stolen kisses, he glimpses the broken heart that Jenna’s so desperate to hide. If only he understood what broke it. But the closer he gets to the secret, the further Jenna runs. Can Case catch up in time and convince Jenna to trust him with her heart? It's a tactical nightmare. But if there’s one thing Storm Crows know how to do, it’s win an impossible battle.

  1. Can you tell us a little about your book?

I could just copy/paste the blurb and cheat, right…? 👀 ok OK. I won't. 

INTO THE STORM picks up after BROKEN WINGS, with the Storm Crows tracking missing girls in Kansas City while one of their newest members, Case Kelly, volunteers himself to keep an eye on the VP's wife and her spiky best friend, Jenna, who have more idea about what's going on than anyone imagines. Case soon realizes he'd like to get a lot more than his eyes on Jenna… 

On the other foot. Jenna is desperate to get Ashlyn out of this club and it's nonsense before they end up back in a world they bled (and almost died) to escape. She convinces Ash to try a road trip out to a favorite desert festival… of course, Case and Jenna butt heads. And then hearts. It's a battle all the way for those two. 

  1. Was there as specific part of the story that you absolutely loved writing as well as not enjoyed writing?

Getting the excuse to browse pics and vids of Burning Man was a blast. I sort of hoped to go before we published but uh… I'm sure y'all remember 2020-2021 😭

Emily and l both struggled with the big action showdown– so many moving parts! And then there's at least one (1) moving part not revealed until book 3 to make it *harder* for us. 

Write a series, they said. It'll be a breeze, they said… 💀

  1. Do you have a ritual when it comes to writing? Example….get coffee, blanket, paper, pen, laptop and a comfy place.

I travel among my house, my mom's house, and my sister's, so really my main ritual is… yeah I don't really have one. I write on any of four devices, including my phone if I'm desperate so there's REALLY no consistency. 

  1. Do you have a favorite line or scene in your book?

I… I admit I am one of those authors who can barely tell you what happens in a book once it's done. 😅 and so much of this book actually landed on the cutting room floor… (enough we considered putting bonus chapters on a blog or something) 

But the moment Jenna finds out Case's legal first name does stick in my brain. Oh. And the girls' Very Good Plan(™) at the end. 

Spoiler: Case does NOT consider it a Very Good Plan(™). 

  1. What future projects are on the horizon for you?

We are working on Storm Crows 3!! It should be Grim's, btw. With luck we will have it ready by the end of the year. 

Then we have a Regency and a Celebrity being polished for submission, and a Fantasy piece slowly coming together. We figure we will just keep trying out new flavors in between working on the Storm Crows series. 💖

Buy links below.



AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SW9MLZW 

SMASHWORDS: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1133503 

Where to find Allegra:



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07 April 2022


Title: Dangerously Deceptive
Series: A Beautifully Brutal Book #1.5
Author: Emma Luna
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
Re-Release Date: April 7, 2022
Cover Design: Pretty In Ink Creations

What would you be willing to sacrifice for the one you love?

I was born a princess of the Celtic Reapers MC, but I'm definitely not royalty. I'm abused, tortured, and broken, desperate to escape.

I have two choices. I can stay with my childhood sweetheart, Jamieson aka Whiskey, who abandoned our plans for freedom when he patched into the MC. Or, I could win my freedom and live my dream life with loveable, sexy, tech geek Kellan.

But when I fall pregnant, my whole life changes and I'm forced to make painful decisions.

This is not your typical love story. It's messy, it's real, and it's heartbreaking. This is the story of how you make an impossible choice. I'm Shayla Callahan, and this is my story.

Author Note - this is a dark mafia romance that features themes which may be triggering for some people. If you would like more details please contact: emmalunaauthor@gmail.com

Dangerously Deceptive is set in the Beautifully Brutal world. It occurs before Black Wedding and can be read first. This series has interconnected themes and it's advisable you read them all to get the most out of them.

"I don’t know what else to say other than it was a lot and emotional.
I was happy, mad, sad, upset, everything you could feel in this one book. I don’t know how I’m gonna go read my next reads because that one took me down." - 5 Star Goodreads Reviewer
"It is an original, masterfully written novel that will pull at your heartstrings and elicit all of the feels." - 5 Star Goodreads Reviewer
"This story broke my heart." - 5 Star Goodreads Reviewer

Emma Luna is a USA Today Bestselling dark romance author from the UK. In a previous life she was a Midwife and a Lecturer, but now she listens to the voices in her head and puts pen to paper to bring their stories to life. In her spare time, when she should be sleeping, she also loves to edit, proofread, and format books for other amazing authors.

Emma’s books are dark, dangerous, and devilishly sexy. She loves writing about strong, feisty, but underestimated women, and the cocky, dirty-mouthed men they bring to their knees.

When Emma isn’t writing, promoting, or editing books she can be found napping, colouring in adult colouring books, and collecting novelty notebooks. She also enjoys coffee and gossiping with her mum, playing or having hugs with her gorgeous nephew, who is the light of her life, stealing her parents dog Hector, and curling up on the sofa to watch a film with Mr Luna. Oh and for those of you that don’t know, Emma is a hardcore Harry Potter fan—Team Ravenclaw!!

Thank you for taking a chance on a crazy Brit and the voices inside her head. That makes you a true LUNAtic now too!