26 August 2014

Ela Stein - New Release - A Naughty Fairy Tale

Hello Ela!  Thank you so much for visiting Written Butterfly with me today! 

Hi Beth, thank you so much for hosting me today! I’m so happy to visit Written Butterfly again to share a little but about my new release.

Q) This story is part of the Naughty Fairy Tales collection.  How did you come up the dynamics of your characters?

A lot of it was already in place before I even began the story – since I was loosely following the plot of the actual myth, the dynamics sort of wrote themselves when I imagined what Andromeda and Perseus’s relationship would have been like based on the events they went through.

As part of the myth, Andromeda is sacrificed to a sea monster. Now what would a sea monster want with a gorgeous, curvaceous princess? Since this is erotic romance and it’s part of the Naughty Fairytales series, all I can say is that there are plenty of naughty and funky goings on in this story!

Q) I love Greek mythology.  What drew you to this particular legend?

Me too! My mom used to read Greek myths to me from the time I was a baby. I still remember her reading about Perseus and all his trials and triumphs. I also love the fact that he rescues Andromeda. Her own people were willing to sacrifice her to a monster, and he was the only one willing to risk his own life to save hers, even though they were total strangers. How heroic! He’s her knight on a white horse… well, on golden-winged sandals, in this case… and being the son of Zeus and having that god-like body, how could you not fall in love with him :)

I’ve always wondered what those ancient times must have been like in reality – the truth behind the myth. On the other hand, I was just as fascinated by the fantasy part of it – a world where gods really do walk the earth. In my story, I’ve created a world that’s as authentic as possible, but still holds onto all the fantasy. So it’s a bit of historical fiction mixed with fantasy, and with a whole lot romance. I mean, the myths do leave all the “fun” details out, so I made sure to put them all back in, just as they were meant to be.

Q) What are your upcoming projects?

I have a steampunk paranormal fantasy scheduled for release with Loose Id for next month. It’s a full-length novel, and I’m really excited about it – there are steamships and airships, and a feisty heroine with a suitably sexy and brooding hero. Fun and fast paced, with a lot of sexy times thrown in!


~ Editor’s Pick ~

Andromeda’s world comes crashing down when the Gods proclaim that she is to be chained to a rock and offered as a sacrifice to the sea monster that has been ravaging her lands. Terrified, she has no choice but to obey, though the tentacled creature is her worst nightmare come to life, and he has ominous plans for her. Perseus witnesses her plight and comes to her rescue, but liberating Andromeda requires more than just skill with his sword. Will his love be enough to save her not only from the monster, but from her dark past that conspires to never let her go?

When I was a little girl, a snake bit me on the ankle. My mother told the story of how I barely survived, how I had gone in and out of consciousness, flushed with fever, eyes glazed. When I dreamed, I called out about falling into a pit of vipers.

And now before me, my nightmare came to life. Tentacles surged out of the water, but they far more resembled teeming snakes. Unlike octopus arms, they had no suction cups, and ended in blunt tips. Glistening and sinuous, they blindly explored the harsh rock, covering its entire surface, exploring each crevice, and inevitably coming closer and closer to me.

I dug my heels into the rock behind me and curled my toes in. I turned my head and would have shut my eyes, but I couldn’t force myself to stop staring at the monstrosity. Tugging at the shackles did no good and only made the panic surge to a higher pitch until I felt like a wild animal about to become prey.

Only a foot from my toes now, the snake appendages roamed over the rock, some thick and large, like a man’s thigh, and some thin like my little finger. One, about the thickness of my arm, separated itself from the others and moved higher up the rock, coming toward me. I gasped and pulled away from it as far as the chains would allow.

It slithered audibly over the rocky surface and nudged at my toes. I did shut my eyes then, and turned my head into my arm.

It slipped over my foot and wrapped itself about my ankle. I raised my leg and tried to shake it off, but it only coiled tighter about me, digging into my flesh as though to warn me. It wrapped more and more around my lower leg and then began to slowly travel upward, twisting over and over, over my knee and then over my thigh.

I clamped my legs together to halt its progress, but it was far stronger. It wormed its way between my limbs and under my skirt. Slowly it came ever closer to the apex of my thighs, and when it finally reached it, and brushed against my sex, I jumped. The strong muscle rubbed against my clit as it continued to flow upward, along my torso, slowly winding its way. The friction of it rubbing at me terrified and excited me at once. My eyes still closed, I only felt it when other snake limbs joined this one. Another one twined around my other leg, and still others wrapped themselves about my arms.

“My bride,” a rough voice whispered, loud as a thunderclap and yet so quiet I was sure I only heard it in my mind. It carried the same implacable weight of power as the words of the Oracle.

My eyes flew open, and I came face to face with Cetus.

Available at:

About Ela Stein:
Reading was my entertainment and salvation as a child, and it transferred into a passion for writing. I am still very much a reader, and love many different genres, from erotic romance, to fantasy (dark, dark fantasy!), to historical fiction, and that love is reflected in my own writing as well (I don't do contemporary very often). If you'd like to learn more about me, or chat about books and life, you can find me all over the web:

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